cr: me
I've been posting quite a bunch of street-style photos that I took myself during the different PFW but I have to admit that you can see they were taken by an amateur. I'm far from being a professional, I still need to improve my photography skills. (if i have some) Talking about street-style photographers, there are some who are reeeaaally good and just thinking about it, i still can't believe i saw some of them in real. They were standing like 10 foot away from me? Whatever, I'm not trying to appear as a fanatic or what but what I'm trying to say is that I really admire their work and I got the chance to take a portrait of four of my favorite photographers: Julien Boudet aka Bleu Mode, Phil Oh aka StreetPeeper, Youngjoon Koo aka Koo and HB Nam aka Streetfsn
C'est bon madame va cartonner de fouuuu! En plus ca répond plus, -tchiiip- HAHA.